Monday, August 18, 2008

:: God's Country ::

:: when i was a little plump chump, i'd often be riding quietly in the back seat on sunday drives when pop would remark 'ah, this is God's Country!'. just as youngsters dismiss the wisdom of their elders, i'd dismiss his remark feeling the present sights of trees and shrubs weren't nearly as majestic as other wonders of the world as i'd seen on tv or in picture books. when college time came, i found myself smack-dab in an urban setting - not once did i ever hear pop say 'ah, this is God's Country!', even though i thought things were pretty fantastic in the big city. a few years later i started making the trek back and forth from home to urbania by way of 'God's Country'. it took a few trips before i started to enjoy the sights, and it wasn't until i had the choice of where to relocate after college that it hit me how majestic tree-covered gently rolling hills can be. as another relocation looms, i'm facing these feelings again: am i willing to sacrifice the utopia i find cycling or running through a patch of woods for vocational reasons? ::
:: when i heard the 'God's Country' marathon mountain bike race had been revitalized, it naturally was something i had to try. although marathon xc isn't my forte, it would be good training for ridestrong regardless of the outcome. i mentioned it to pop on the phone, and he said 'it's going to be tough. you'll be riding in 'God's Country'!' well, long story short, he was right but much to my surprise i managed a top 10 placing in the open class, with a ride time of 5:18 for ~53 miles. perhaps the best part of the day though came from the critter sightings on the way up - 9 deer, 25 turkeys, 3 red squirrels, 2 chipmunks, and 1 baby black bear. equally impressive were a few vistas from the top of climbs. and at one point i even found myself muttering 'ah, this is God's Country.' thanks pop, for instilling wisdom and appreciation of something so beautiful::

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

:: Preparing to Honor ::

:: less than three weeks away is the '08 livestrong challenge, and i have promised myself i would ridestrong in memory of a recently unexpected departed. it's time to make sure i can uphold that promise. stirring at 8am on a rainy saturday morning slightly nervous about the physical exertion experiment i have planned for the day - to replicate the necessary climbing endurance that is required in a few weeks. last year at this point, i had been doing this for months and was confident the course, although challenging, would not best me. the proposed course this year is the same. but i am not. ~ time to place worries and apprehensions in the crucible - prove to myself and my cause this will not be a mockery ~ time flies by with nary a concern aside from fresh oil and chip on the descents of the first 3 climbs. stopping for refueling at the cyclist's oasis (uni-mart), i opt to include the tentatively scheduled climb 7 & 8 to push past my goal and reach 8900 ft of climbing and up the distance to 75 miles. at this point, i had neglected to notice the man with the hammer was sucking my wheel ready to pounce... 4 hours and 10 minutes in, as i start climb 8 i meet him head on. a section of road ridden almost weekly for five years is transformed to an insurmountable enigma. pushing on i eventually defeat the man with the hammer and arrive home at 5:06. the body is tired and broken, but the mind is ready for what is ahead - i can humbly proceed with some small amount confidence that the memory of departed will not be tarnished by ineptitude. ::

(you are wise, honest, loyal, humorous, respected and loved. may my 'missa defunctorum' be welcomed and reverent in your memory dear rolly.)

:: please consider donating to my livestrong challenge 08 philadelphia event in memory or support of a loved one battling cancer. thank you. ::