:: less than three weeks away is the '08 livestrong challenge, and i have promised myself i would ridestrong in memory of a recently unexpected departed. it's time to make sure i can uphold that promise. stirring at 8am on a rainy saturday morning slightly nervous about the physical exertion experiment i have planned for the day - to replicate the necessary climbing endurance that is required in a few weeks. last year at this point, i had been doing this for months and was confident the course, although challenging, would not best me. the proposed course this year is the same. but i am not. ~ time to place worries and apprehensions in the crucible - prove to myself and my cause this will not be a mockery ~ time flies by with nary a concern aside from fresh oil and chip on the descents of the first 3 climbs. stopping for refueling at the cyclist's oasis (uni-mart), i opt to include the tentatively scheduled climb 7 & 8 to push past my goal and reach 8900 ft of climbing and up the distance to 75 miles. at this point, i had neglected to notice the man with the hammer was sucking my wheel ready to pounce... 4 hours and 10 minutes in, as i start climb 8 i meet him head on. a section of road ridden almost weekly for five years is transformed to an insurmountable enigma. pushing on i eventually defeat the man with the hammer and arrive home at 5:06. the body is tired and broken, but the mind is ready for what is ahead - i can humbly proceed with some small amount confidence that the memory of departed will not be tarnished by ineptitude. ::
(you are wise, honest, loyal, humorous, respected and loved. may my 'missa defunctorum' be welcomed and reverent in your memory dear rolly.)
:: please consider donating to
my livestrong challenge 08 philadelphia event in memory or support of a loved one battling cancer. thank you. ::