Tuesday, November 07, 2006

:: Warmth ::

:: there are very few things that can give more warmth on a grey rainy day than a venti white mocha from *bucks. except maybe buying a cuddly pooh bear for a friends' very early arrival. i got the call late saturday night, and having never been close to the process before, i was fairly anxious with anticipation of meeting my new pal. i wasn't quite prepared, so thankfully target was still open and had a fantastic plush winnie the pooh bear for a last minute purchase. i rushed through the next days activies finding it hard to concentrate, and even harder to put forth the usual enthusiasm (funny because i had one of the better races of the season). not bothering to wait around for the official results i was off; a mission to accomplish. traffic seemed to be moving exceptionally slow as i headed to the hospital. i had only hoped to see my friends, wish them congratulations, and deliver the pooh bear. i was amazed i would be allowed into the nicu! i took extra care scrubbing in, and donned the yellow apron. my little pal was at the end of the row; some of his neighbors had parents watching over them, and my heart sank for others that were left alone. i was able to spend almost 2 hours with my new buddy, who didn't do much more than eat and sleep, and occasionally fell asleep while eating - the simple life of a newborn. at one point between the business of eating and sleeping, his little hand wrapped around my finger and he squeezed with all his strength and opened his eyes as if to thank me for bringing a bear to keep him company. the look brought a warmth that i hope never to forget. ::


Anonymous Anonymous said...

touching. you will make an excellent father some day.

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

too sappy but nice! i want to bear your child.

11:05 PM  

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