Sunday, March 18, 2007

:: Another One ::

:: ... bites the dust. another big news email today; my roommate and best friend from undergrad is tying the knot this summer. that's the second one this week... the other being my only classmate from undergrad. and the third one this month... my training partner from undergrad. if you count the two this past fall that makes five. and two babies. and i can honestly say i am happy for all of them. but i find it ironic that exactly two years ago today, sitting in the same place even, i got news that wasn't nearly as pleasant and is probably the reason it will be a long while before i have good news to share of the caliber like alot of my friends are having lately. don't get me wrong, i have a fantastic relationship with inanimate things... bicycles, my motorcycle and car, and matlab (at least occasionally anyway). the last thing i wast to do is detract from their joy; i just hope someday i'll feel like i can open up and have similar news to share. just don't hold your breath. ::


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