Saturday, December 16, 2006

:: Companion ::

:: hello dear friend. it's been some time since our last rendevouz. i have missed your company. even though you don't ask, i feel the need to justify by recent absence. it is of no matter to you; you've been so patient with me; if only i could be as patient with myself. hurry here, hurry there. no time for my one truly precious friend. but now we are together at last, sharing intimate time with no distractions. i speak of my worries through labored breaths but they fall on deaf ears. it's for the best, i don't need them anyway. it's not rude, this selective hearing of yours: you choose to hear the sounds of beauty and peace which i am too troubled to notice. as i become mute following your lead the silence shouts of serenity. how can a soul be filled with such chaos, and just outside the skin tranquility surrounds? it is a mystery as profound as how an inanimate object can fulfill my longing for a loyal companion. ::


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