Monday, May 28, 2007

:: Blue Ball - More Gravity Demons ::

:: started the day with a rather patriotic breakfast in honor of memorial day. and then it was off to confront the gravity demons. been playing the the topo program alot lately, looking for challenging rides that avoid the usual tadpole/lime factory. the highlight of todays ride is a 3.5 mi 800 ft climb... on gravel, followed by a 2.5 mi 850 ft descent... on gravel. good times and i have to say i love the conti tyres. following a boring stretch chasing dump trucks down 64 swung by to see my favorite pup drey (a 9 week old swiss mountain dog) who was especially glad to see me. then axeman, fishermans paradise, and another gravel climb up barnes lane. 54 mi and 4378 ft gravity demon defeating climbing. ::


Blogger mountain bound said...

hey there - u don't know me... BUT i've got 2 random questions for ya. 1) what software are you using to create the route profile?
2)is that first dirt climb, black hawk road (or something to that effect) off of brush valley road? that's a nice climb - i'm always looking for new routes.

11:44 AM  
Blogger Sho_Jo said...

Ciao cacao, I use Delorme Topo and the PN20. Not sure about Black Hawk road; the one on this route is Blue Ball. Planning a 11k ft century the week after next, so stay tuned.

10:02 PM  

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