Tuesday, July 17, 2007

:: Raccoons ::

:: it seems that when i feel good in a race, i will certainly do horrible. however, if i feel horrible, there is a 0.005% chance than my performance will be spectacular (at least by shojo standards). such was the case at the raccoon rally. saturday for the road race, i was feeling confident having done some hard training and only have 600 feet of climbing per lap. after 18 minutes of feeling like making a break off the front, i realized my mistake... it was 600 meters of climbing... boom done off the back. picked up and passed a few others, and got a semi-respectable 27th place finish in a huge field. sunday i didn't want to get out of bed, i didn't really warm up due to the soreness, and i wasn't really that excited about mountain biking (and haven't been since death day). but a remarkable ride ensued the start gun. within a few minutes i was in the top 30 of a field of several hundred, and after 20 minutes i'd passed 15 experts that started 5 minutes ahead. went on to get a 5th place finish in my class, despite practically stopping to wrestle with a bag of sport beans. so now i'm thinking i'll skip the tour d'toona, and do a 6 hour mountain bike race up in ellicotville. stay tuned to see how i feel for that! ::


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