Wednesday, June 06, 2007

:: Perspective, Part 2 ::

:: with comprehensive exams looming in the not so distant future, i have been feeling justified with putting my mental and physical needs first, doing what i need to do and thinking what i need to think to make it through. feeling sorry for myself / being stressed / depression / frustration / etc. all warranted in my mind. and then a shift in perspective. a dear friend is hospitalized from a stroke. on heavy sedatives, the doctors are unsure as to the prognosis of the paralysis. considering the complications of a rare birth-abnormality that affects 0.07% of the population, things are even more uncertain. my questions of what i should be studying or whether or not i will pass, are replaced with whether i should be hoping my friend pulls through, or is permitted release from a life that has been a struggle; a struggle incomprehensible for the other 99.93% of us. he has faced challenges that would have long ago left me bitter and jaded, but he perseveres with a smile and a laugh from, and often times about, what is left of his mortal body. so tonight i pray for only one thing; that the answer will come quick. Godspeed dear friend, which ever path He chooses. ::


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