Friday, June 08, 2007

:: Go Time ::

:: it's go time. number two of the three dreaded grad school moments: the comprehensive exam, 4.5 days of excruciating mental torture. the last few days have been spent preparing myself physically and mentally. 2 hour climbing ride yesterday, cleaned the house, and went to the grocery store. the espresso grinder is full, 12 pack of redbull in the fridge, and a pound of chocolate covered espresso beans; all three caffeine food groups. in 20 minutes, the clock starts ticking on the 72 hours i have to complete written questions, which can be about anything they want. i have a feeling that i might not get much sleep this weekend, but then again, i might not be able to. ::

:: in other news... the war hasn't been won yet, but the battle was victorious. 24 hours ago, my pal was unconscious, paralyzed, and had been life-flighted twice. today, he is home, able to talk and move. he never ceases to amaze and inspire. ::


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